Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Benefits of using humour when selling

Benefits of using humour when selling

 Humour has many benefits for communication, persuasion and sales. Here are just a few...

·       Reduces hostility

·       Deflects criticism

·       Relieves tension

·       Improves rapport

·       Helps communicate difficult messages

·       Makes the target person want to listen more

·       Relaxes the person, making them more receptive to the message

·       Makes the person feel good and hence not think so carefully about the proposition

·       Makes the information more memorable

·       Distracts the person from thinking about counter-arguments

Getting concessions

Playful joking also increases the likelihood of financial concessions during a negotiation. Relaxing the other person and building trust makes them see you more as a friend and hence deserving of a better deal. This is fine as long as you create a ‘win-win’.

Better health

Humour is also good for your health. Although this is not directly related to changing minds, people who are healthier are more likely to be able to pay attention and will want to listen to your ideas.

Some of the ways in which laughter makes you healthier include:

·       It lowers your blood pressure.

·       It exercises your muscles, including your abdomen and diaphragm as well as those in your thorax, neck, shoulders, face, and scalp.

·       It strengthens your immune system, decreasing stress hormones and increasing infection-fighting antibodies.

·       It deepens and so improves your breathing.

Other benefits of humour include:

·       It distracts you from negative emotions.

·       It changes your perspective, making things less overwhelming.

·       It increases your energy.

·       It connects you to others (we like happy people).

·       It just makes you feel good

Try some humor on your next sales call….

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